Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mommys Need Their Calcium Too

How many of you can honestly say you are incorporating two 8 oz glasses of milk per day into your daily diet?

Mommys everywhere pay attention - At my checkup last week, my doctor wasn't concerned about my ambitions to run a marathon, she was concerned about the amount of calcium I was consuming and what types of supplements I was taking to avoid injury and doing (possibly) permanent damage to my body. 

Why is this point particularly important to mommys in particular? Because if other moms are anything like me, I rarely worry about my daily consumption of calcium and Vitamin D. I'm too busy worrying about my children's calcium consumption!

I try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, good whole foods and I do eat cottage cheese and cheese occasionally. Sometimes yogurt if my children don't eat all of it first. Guess what? None of that is as good as a glass of plain old milk.

You know what sucks about this? I am a mama post-two-pregnancies who is trying to maintain a healthy diet and waistline, sometimes fat-filled calcium products, like the ones in our fridge (full-fat milk, yogurt, cottage cheese) don't exactly fit the bill of what I crave or what I want in general.

In fact, as I'm sure you're aware, several diets out there tell us to avoid calcium products, some for certain lengths of time and others all together, because of the points I made above (lots of fat and calories).

This is really foolish!

Calcium does a myriad of important things for our bodies - The two most concerning to me being an avid runner is protecting bone health and strength. Any work out routines or tips/tidbits I share on WhoLey NicoLey will require attention to both these items and moving forward, I promise to include some fun recipes that include our good friend Calcium!

Without further ado - A great suggestion, although highly unoriginal, from my doctor - Yogurt Smoothies.

1 Cup Plain Yogurt (I recommend Greek Gods)
1 Cup Strawberries
1/2 Cup Milk (I recommend Organic milk)
1 Cup of Ice
BLEND and SIP liberally

The Vitamin C in the strawberries will help your body absorb as much of the Calcium and Vitamin D that it possibly can!


1 comment:

  1. You should try almond milk-- it has double the calcium of cows milk!
