Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Five F's

Keep calm.
2012 has been a year of incredible personal development and progression for me. I don't feel really young anymore. Other people don't perceive me as really young anymore, therefor some mistakes are no longer acceptable... I feel more qualified and confident in everything I do. I've developed this "take me or leave me" attitude towards everyone and anything in any situation. And I'm OK with all of this.

I've never felt more alive and comfortable about who I am, better yet, why I am.

2012 will henceforth be known as the year I found myself. Which, if you haven't yet, self is a very important thing to find.

Moving forward, I'm shutting down my blog Just Another Mrs. I will not be writing anymore at that location, but instead I'm devoting WhoLey NicoLey to more than just whole foods. Instead it will be about living a life that's whole. Not spiritually whole or anything like that, just balanced... If that makes sense.

There are a lot of people out there that think living your life a certain way will solve all your problems. I don't think that someone else's solution necessarily solves all your problems, nor will it answer any of your big questions. However, I do believe everyone needs to find balance in their lives. Solve their own equation, if you will. I'm hoping that as I continue to learn and grow, that you can hopefully gain something from reading my experiences.

The following five areas are what are most important to me and hopefully along the way you can learn, connect and question and/or challenge me on your thoughts in these areas. Coincidentally, all these words begin with F's.

  1. Faith.
  2. Fitness.
  3. Family.
  4. Friends.
  5. Finances.
I have to warn you that you may not agree with everything I say here, and I'm open to your criticisms or input. Some items may be "raw or sensitive" material for some, and that's OK too... I love to write and I want to write about things that interest me - So... Hopefully you enjoy.

I wear a lot of hats in my life! Daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend, colleague... So, I'm sure you can all relate to me in some way, shape or form. I'm looking forward to writing more again, I've missed it!

And so, cheers to getting back in the habit and opening up the Five F's.

I'd love to hear about the five most important aspects of your life.... Please share!


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